Understanding Vastu: How Your Home Entrance Affects Your Life

Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and energy, plays a crucial role in determining the flow of positive and negative energies in a home. One of the most important aspects of Vastu is the मुख्य प्रवेश द्वार (Main Entrance), which significantly influences the health, wealth, and relationships of the people living inside.

Many people experience problems in life despite having a strong astrological chart (कुंडली – Kundli) and a favorable numerology profile. If you feel stuck despite having good luck on paper, your home’s main gate might be the reason.

Let’s explore how your मुख्य द्वार (Main Entrance) impacts your life and how to analyze your home’s Vastu effectively.

1️⃣ What is Vastu? / वास्तु क्या है? Vastu is the energy field (ऊर्जा क्षेत्र) created by your home. Just as a person’s birthplace influences their culture, personality, and behavior, the house or flat you live in affects your thoughts, emotions, and success.

For example, someone born in the mountains has a different lifestyle compared to someone born in a coastal region. Similarly, the design and orientation of your home influence your life in subtle yet powerful ways.

2️⃣ How to Analyze Your Home’s Vastu? / अपने घर का वास्तु विश्लेषण कैसे करें? Step 1: Create a House Map / घर का नक्शा बनाएं To understand Vastu, you must have a house map (नक्शा). If you don’t have one, follow these steps:

  • Measure your house manually using a tape measure.
  • Draw a scaled-down version of your home (e.g., 1 foot = 0.25 cm).
  • Mark important areas such as:   ✅ मुख्य द्वार (Main Entrance) location     ✅ रसोई (Kitchen) & शयनकक्ष (Bedroom) placements     ✅ शौचालय (Toilets) & स्नानघर (Bathrooms)

If measuring manually is difficult, you can hire an architect (वास्तु विशेषज्ञ) to create an accurate floor plan.

Step 2: Find the Center of Your Home (Brahmasthan) / ब्रह्मस्थान की पहचान करें The center of your home is known as the ब्रह्मस्थान (Brahmasthan), which is the core energy point.

  • To locate it, draw two diagonal lines (विकर्ण रेखाएँ) from opposite corners of your house.
  • The point where they intersect is your Brahmasthan.
  • If your home has an irregular shape, divide it into sections and find multiple center points.

3️⃣ Identifying the 16 Directions of Your Home / घर की 16 दिशाएँ कैसे जानें? Vastu divides a house into 16 primary directions (प्राथमिक दिशाएँ) rather than just North, South, East, and West.

How to Determine Directions Accurately?

  • Stand at the center (Brahmasthan) of your house.
  • Face your main entrance (मुख्य द्वार की ओर मुँह करें)।
  • Use a compass (दिशा सूचक यंत्र) and place it on a stable surface.
  • Note the exact degree (डिग्री को नोट करें) of your entrance and match it with the 16-direction Vastu chart.

Each of these 16 directions has a specific effect on different aspects of life, such as career, health, and relationships.

4️⃣ Effects of Your Main Entrance Location / आपके घर के मुख्य द्वार का प्रभाव 🟢 शुभ दिशाएँ (Auspicious Entrance Directions) ✅ E3 (East 3) – Brings success, social connections, and prosperity.   ✅ S3 (South 3) – Brings fame, power, relaxation, and business growth.   ✅ N3 (North 3) – Ideal for business owners and financial stability.   ✅ W3 (West 3) – Helps in fulfilling desires and achieving goals.

🔴 अशुभ दिशाएँ (Problematic Entrance Directions) 🚫 E1 (East 1) – Leads to family disputes, financial losses, and father’s health issues.   🚫 S1 (South 1) – Causes marital issues, miscarriages, and poor education for children.   🚫 N1 (North 1) – Brings sudden financial or health problems.   🚫 W1 (West 1) – Causes laziness and lack of motivation.

If your main entrance is in an inauspicious direction, certain Vastu remedies (वास्तु उपाय) can help balance the energy.

5️⃣ Advanced Vastu – The 32 Directions / उन्नत वास्तु – 32 दिशाएँ Each of the 16 main directions is further divided into two sub-directions, making a total of 32 Vastu directions.

For example:

  • NE (North-East) is divided into N8 and E1
  • SW (South-West) is divided into S8 and W1

This level of detail helps pinpoint specific Vastu influences (वास्तु प्रभाव) more accurately.

6️⃣ Why Does Vastu Affect People Differently? / वास्तु सभी को अलग-अलग क्यों प्रभावित करता है? If the entrance is bad, why does it only affect some family members?

The answer lies in Astro-Vastu (एस्ट्रो-वास्तु):

  • If Saturn (शनि) is weak in someone’s Kundli and their house’s west direction is problematic, they will face more challenges.
  • If another person’s Saturn is strong, they may not experience any issues at all.

This is why some family members struggle while others seem unaffected.

7️⃣ Simple Vastu Remedies for a Better Home / घर के लिए सरल वास्तु उपाय ✅ घर को अव्यवस्था मुक्त (Declutter Your Home) – Removing unnecessary items improves energy flow.   ✅ मुख्य द्वार को साफ रखें (Keep the Entrance Clean) – No dustbins, shoes, or dirty surroundings near the main door.   ✅ वास्तु दोष ठीक करें (Fix Vastu Issues) – Rearranging furniture, using colors, and placing mirrors can help.

निष्कर्ष (Conclusion) Understanding Vastu is a powerful tool (शक्तिशाली उपकरण) to enhance the positivity and harmony in your home. By analyzing your main entrance direction, you can make small changes that have a big impact on your life.

Take Action Today:

  • Create a Vastu map (नक्शा) of your home.
  • Find the Brahmasthan and entrance direction.
  • Make Vastu corrections (वास्तु सुधार) where necessary.

Source : Watch Video https://youtu.be/fK3bezTnTVY?si=_yHFKqVG1Ap6ZmNK

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